EvoFeed Automatic
- What is the black plastic disc used for that is supplied with the evofeeder automatic?
- What is the purpose of the blue plastic wire in the centre of the impellor?
- How do I turn off my evofeeder?
- I have an EvoFeed Automatic that I purchased before 2021. How do I adjust the throwing distance?
- I have an EvoFeed Automatic that I purchased after 2021. How do I adjust the throwing distance using the buttons on the display screen?
- I want to set a lower feeding sequence on the EvoFeed Automatic than the pre-sets, can I do this?
Cetus Sieve
- Can I install a Cetus Sieve and a K+Advanced filter on a pump fed system?
- Does the Cetus Sieve need to be installed above the water level?
- What kind of filter is works best with the Cetus Sieve?
- Can the Cetus Sieve be used as a stand alone filter
- Why do you need balance pipe for a Cetus Sieve?
- Can the Cetus Sieve be used on both pump and gravity fed systems?
- What are the Air Pump requirements for Nexus?
- The air output has dropped on my airpump, why?
- I have replaced the diaphragm kit but my Airpump still does not work?
- What are the Airpump Curves?
- What are the dimensions of Airpumps?
- Can the airpumps be used outside?
Pure Pond
- What is the shelf life of PURE products?
- How long will it take to see results after using Pure?
- Will Pure help with Nitrate?
- When should I clean my filter after using Pure+ Filter Start Gel?
- Will I need to remove the sludge before adding Pure to my pond?
- My ammonia and nitrite levels are high, will Pure Pond work in winter?
- I treated my pond with EA Blanketweed but I now need to treat my fish with a medication. How long should I wait before I use another chemical?
- Should I remove any blanketweed prior to using EA Blanketweed?
- Do I need a pond filter for EA Blanketweed to work?
- Will EA Blanketweed turn my water cloudy?
- Should I switch my Ultra Violet Clarfier Off when using EA Blanketweed?
- Is Evolution Aqua EA Blanketweed safe to use with wildlife?
- Is there any way to recycle your Detox dechlorinator?
- What can I use to mount the Detox Dechlorinator?
- What fittings come with the Detox Dechlorinator?
- What should I do when the dechlorinator is not in use?
- Will the dechlorinator remove Chloramine?
- Can I install a tap / valve after the Dechlorinator or throttle it back, downstream of the unit?
- How are the levels set inside the Eazypod to allow for cleaning?
- How can I extend the draining time of my Eazypod Automatic?
- Why is the media in my Eazypod sitting high up and water is flowing down the overflow channels?
- Does the UV need to be switched off on my Eazypod during the cleaning cycle?
- Can you retro fit an Eazypod?
- EazyPod Automatic does not close waste valve
- What size evoUV do I need for my pond?
- My pond water is not clear, is this due to the evoUV not working correctly?
- My green water isn’t clearing. Why?
- What is an evouv quartz sleeve?
- Are the bulbs and quartz sleeves pre-fitted on an evoUV?
- How often do I need to replace the lamp on an evoUV?
Filter Media
- What is the protected surface area of K+ Media?
- What is the total surface area of K+ Media?
- What is the length of K+ Media?
- What is the diameter of K+ Media?
- How do I work out how much media I will need for my aquarium?
- What is the benefit of a moving bed?
K+ Advanced Filter
- How much water is sent to waste in a K+Advanced Filter?
- What are the dimensions of the K+Advanced Filter with the Blower attached?
- My filter media has gelled / stuck together in my K+ Advanced Filter
- Above normal or excessive force is needed to operate the multi-port valve of my K+ Advanced Filter
- Why do I need to clean my filter more often?
- Why is my water dirty when I'm using a K+ Advanced Filter?
- What is Nexus Automatic?
- Do I need an airpump for NexusPlus?
- Can the Varipump be used with Nexus and EazyPod automatics?
- What is the weight of a Nexus filter?
- I have an Ammonia and / or Nitrite reading.
- Nexus Automatic does not close waste valve
Tempest polisher
- What are the specifications for K Plus Media?
- If I was to run 2 Tempest Filters split evenly off one pump feed at 10000ltr/h would this then equal the optimum flow rate of 5000ltr/h through both Tempests?
- Can I install Tempest on a skimmer line with the return below water level?
- What parts come inside the box with the Tempest?
- Can the inside of the Tempest filter be cleaned?
- Why is the waste valve assembly leaking on my Tempest?
- Should I store my varipump in winter?
- What fittings do I need to reduce the Varipump from 2" to 1.5" Pressure Pipe?
- My Varipump has a plug, can I cut the plug off?
- What fittings do I need to connect the Varipump to pressure pipe?
- Are Varipumps self-priming?
- A fault code is displayed on the Varipump controller